Recursive Process

In paper 3 of this semester I did what I believe is my best work. My first draft, though quite short, had many flaws including disorganization. In my final draft, I tried my best to take it to the next level with revisions. I learned in class about quotation sandwiches and used those to back up my ideas rather than summarizing the ideas of the authors of the quotes. An example of this follows,

 ‘Brandt states sponsors are those “…who enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress or withhold literacy – and gain advantage by it in some way,” (556). This is another of Brandt’s theories that do not coincide with most learners’ depictions of sponsors. Not all, in fact very few, sponsors “gain advantage” from helping or hindering one’s literacy.’

Granted my papers are not the best, but they are much better than my papers before taking this class. One thing that helped me the most was actual peer review instead of the high school style spelling corrections that were all that I’d ever seen before this class. Insight from others is the best way to realize one’s own faults and leads to a better understanding of the content in a paper.
